(For Fark's Sake..
Grow The Fark Up or Get The Fark Out..
Of My Lane)



  • 1156EST-MS-OROZCO:
    Baby go to the church Holy Name church, or our Lady of Lourdes . I got a number it's a late number. At sherbourne it's at 4 to 5? Check the time if you come I could go to , I could go after while you watch the cart, if you come.
  • 1258EST-MS-OROZCO:
    Isaac if u think u r right you should speak with priest. The Vatican is about those in an institution who are overseeing a community and are complicit either covering up abuse of minors or adult in a sexual abuse or allowing it to happen. Why do you have this up about me Mr 
  • 1258EST-MS-OROZCO:
    Why do are you dishonest with me, you aren't sorry. So u threatening to not be a husband is what you want? Why have you put up ur commentary on if you think u r right then why are u with me Mr righteous and holier than thou.  
    Why do u have up " I told you Maritza.. you're wrong...". why is Kelly and Isaac signed of as editors. "Vatican laws changed to toughen sexual abuse punishment" so this is your position. I told u what was my decision if u can't accept this and also can't accept that I have forgiven me abuser and don't want to go through all that you have already initiated the shaming that u have already started on me then without any strangers getting involved , you are not a loving husband but my enemy. And while I forgive my enemies I will not condone what they are doing. I don't condone what u are doing. I am asking you to take it all down. You even have my pictures up.
  • 1303EST-MS-OROZCO:
    U are publicly shaming and bullying me Isaac I can't continue with this is this why you never really said sorry to me, you think your better than your our neighbour you are worse for I thought he would put up something she went through as if it was public gossip like you have.! Ashley's boyfriend wouldn't do that no boyfriend or loving husband would. I'm not getting you groceries I'm not going to be treated badly and you stay home to continue to treat me this way. 
  • 1315EST-MS-OROZCO:
    U say ur busy but u lie ur busy writing ur trash and putting it up so you have showed ur true colours you have lied to me all this bullshit about loving me your no better than a town drunker gossiper. I thought you were sorry. What Kim told you that day is true you are weaponizing religion you have put up what is disturbing, sad shameful yes a crime and put it up there for people's consumption. You don't care about me.
  • 1320EST-MS-OROZCO:
    You don't love me ur so obsessed with hating me you fail to see how you are failing me, failing God.
  • 1324EST-MS-OROZCO:
    You going after Kim is silly she isn't a landlord or a tenant she was helping us but is not our provider,, or guardian. She this was temporary and you failed to pay for months, the rent is beyond your budget so the landlord had a right to terminate any loose agreement . For you to take a handout and bite back angry when the help stops is irrational and ungrateful, you don't think this is backstabbing who have you a hand up from the streets. Same with I took you in from the streets and u treat me this way?
  • 1329EST-MS-OROZCO:
    Fail to pay the rent for months and still you think this isn't grounds for an eviction. Kim told u to get therapy both for yourself and for us but you of all people need great therapy, you don't have regret you lie to me to everyone. How do you think u are going to get good references from Kim and Jojo you fool! Kim agreed with me that what you are doing to me is abusive and u don't get it, I told u to stop doing this to take it all down, you have my pictures up there, u r insinuating that if k don't go to the police that I am protecting my father, you are sick.
  • 1344EST-MS-OROZCO:
    This is how u treat my mother and I 
  • 1349EST-MS-OROZCO:
    Kim was helping us out is not a tenant or a guardian nor our landlord 
  • 1355EST-MS-OROZCO:
    You are wrong to mock me when I am right you bully me mistreat me then have the gull to put it up, don’t you see the irony of this Ms your hypocrisy? You are clueless 
  • 1357EST-MS-OROZCO:
    This is not love
  • 1400EST-MS-OROZCO:
    Will you stop bullying me?
    Talk to Kim. She's on your side about the Vatican on June 1st, 2021.
    I love you, and we agreed to deal with this through Catholic Couple's Counselling.
  • 1408EST-MS-OROZCO:
    Your posts are insulting 
    The 6th Commandment. See the amendment.
  • 1409EST-MS-OROZCO:
    Condescending to a victim they are abusive if you don't see this get out of my life
  • 1409EST-MS-OROZCO:
    U are a sicko why don't you speak with the priests see how ur behaviour is abusive and cruel .
    I love you, and I see a Catholic Duty declared and recognized. Capisce?
  • 1415EST-MS-OROZCO:
    I was a victim not an active participant what part of the word rape do you no understand and u kept all that stuff up it up to insinuate that I was was condoning his actions , condoning rape? You are have lost your mind. Are you a fucking Italian mafia you have wronged both me my brother and my dead mother. I don't understand ur cruelty it is not a Catholic duty you are a moron. Look up what rape is you moron. 
    Rape means you punish the rapist, not forgive the rapist and punish your husband.
    As an ADULT I expect you to be, not as a CHILD.
    Distinct differences.
  • 1419EST-MS-OROZCO:
    You are very daft please speak to a priest urgently
  • 1423EST-MS-OROZCO:
    You have disrespected me beyond what is normal you are psychopathic please get some help , take all that down you are doing a lot of damage to me, you are been like a child to be so ignorant.  

    I just sent this to Kim and Anne:
    I love you and have a duty to yourself and to God, and I recognize the imperative conveyed by the June 1st, 2021 changes to the Code of Canon Law. As can ADULT I expect you to be, not as a CHILD. An ADULT will punish the doer of Evil, whilst the CHILD is unable to reasonably comply with God’s requirements.
    Your Father committed EVIL against you, and by your not responding with recognizance and punishment as an ADULT, it is usually construed as COMPLIANCE with and allowance of such EVIL being committed against my son and his sister in the reasonably foreseeable future.
    You equate MY Son is less important than YOUR Father? Please duo not do this, for I love you as an ADULT. We each have our duty and responsibility sworn before God. Please do not demand that I regard you as a CHILD.
    Kim is on your side, but she hasn’t heard both sides, which is how you ALWAYS ensure that you are not recognized as incorrect in regards to Mr Isaac Bon Hillier, who’s STILL your husband ass wedded in the Roman Catholic Church on October 15th, 2011.
    You CLAIM to be Mrs Maritza Bon Hillier, and NOT Ms Maritza Elizabeth Orozco. GTFU or GTFO.
    Respectfully yours,
    Isaac, Chief Technical Officer
    Independent Ontario Advocacy Group
    Internet Security, Operations and Intelligence
    Cel: +1 437-553-2224
    Please return to me as an ADULT not as a CHILD. I laid it out for Kim as our benefactor, and Kelly as my sister.


    The 6th Commandment applies to YOU and I as ADULTS not as YOU and YOUR FATHER as CHILDREN.


    I love YOU as an ADULT and do not tolerate FAUSTO raping you as a CHILD in '86 as you DECLARE to be your God-fearing right and responsibility.
    I detailed it in my comms with Kim and Kelly. Why do you IGNORE the Papal Amendment to CANON LAW that was endorsed in the June 1st, 2021 utterance of the Pope to our Bishops.
    You claim that because mum died, it's reasonable for you to ignore the fact that your father RAPED and SEXUALLY ABUSED a youth entrusted in his care by OUR FATHER WHO SRT IN HEAVEN.
    You were a CHILD in '87 and are an ADULT now in '24. I know how to read the rules and regulations, esposa mia.

  • 1515EST-MS-OROZCO:
    Stop blaspheming the Lord's Prayer, the Our Father.  
    Secondly stop writing to me, you are a lying thieving con artist. You are hurting me abusing me. 
    So, you're speaking with Kim. Alright.

    I expect your attendance this evening at our shared accommodations located at #M4-885 Broadview Ave.
    I do not agree with much of your and Kim's interpretation of the recent issuance of Amendment to the Code of Canon Law:
    Kim needs to understand this also... We might not agree with the Pope, but even a wrongly scheduled clock is right at least once or twice a day.

  • 1601EST-MS-OROZCO:
    You are a bully and abuser stop what you're doing and take all that down , you know what you have done. Go talk to a priest.
  • 1603EST-MS-OROZCO:
    No one said rape was not a crime but u r weaponizing religion. You are not a Catholic . You didn't speak with the evangelist?
  • 1604EST-MS-OROZCO:
    Rape to the church has always been a sin nd a crime just bec the pope said this does not make it new, but you don't listen to me ur full of hatred n uve mocked me, see this:

    Your unreasonableness and apparent agreement with Kim is understood, but as I declared via email please act like an ADULT wife, or retreat like a CHILD as you protect Mr OROZCO for his supposedly CONSENSUAL acts of punishment against his Wife Mrs HILDA ESPERANZA OROZCO.
    I've informed Kim about my reasoning processes.

  • 1607H-MR-HILLIER:
    "Do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself."
  • 1608EST-MS-OROZCO:
    Fuck off creep i don't know you even talk to your mom or grandma, your bullying me mistreating me and putting it all out for the public to see is not good. I'd like to see the rape of your son plastered all over the internet by his girlfriend or wife. From now on don't talk to
    Me loser, yah do you bully them and call them liars and bad names 
  • 1611EST-MS-OROZCO:
    How is this not mockery 

    Your inalienable protection of your Father and Deprotection of your Husband is duly noted, and I do love you until death do us part.
    You do remember our vows and declaration, correct?

    I asked you for clarification, and you EXPLICITLY denied to resolve my queries.

    See you going to bring the Presto Card back to our Broadview Location for our CATHOLIC Papal Convalidation of Marriage as recognized in the Church of St Anne's Parish on October 15th, 2011.
    Please remember that you're an ADULT and that you ARE my wife, as you're not a CHILD that is subservient to your FATHER.

    The key perspective is that I understand or believe that WE are Catholic ADULTS standing before God OUR Father who art in HEAVEN.
    Not Catholic YOUTH standing or otherwise before YOUR Father who art NOT in heaven.
    You are acting unreasonably with your PROTECTION of your father from the CONSEQUENCES of Our Father Who Art In Heaven.

    Do unto others... right?

    You PUNISH me for the sins of Your father as if he was a vital KNIGHT of HONOUR and DUTY doing what is APPROPRIATE to protect OUR FUTURE and MY CHILDREN'S FUTURE.
    I love you fundamentally as a CATHOLIC, and your ignorance and Kim's blindness hurts me to my CORE.

  • 1707EST-MS-OROZCO:
    Come out to get your rolling cart its out here on the street
  • 1710EST-MS-OROZCO:
    Your manipulation hatred towards me , your disrespect of me hurts me, your mockery of God of our marriage of what a husband is hurts me. Take your shopping cart it's probably worth more to you than me. It is out front of house, get yourself another presto card you owe me anyways.
    I love you, but I explained to you what I understood about God's direction of my marriage to you.
    I love you.
    I understand your misunderstanding about the utterance of Pope Francis on June 1st, 2021.
    I doubt you or your mum understood the duty conferred by God's Messenger.
  • 1719EST-MS-OROZCO:
    God is not with you in this matter go make an appointment with a priest asap. You are not in control Jesus is and you have mocked him , and his children. Go make this appointment and seek help. I forgive you but can't put up with your abuse, you were never sorry for your actions, for any of it . The Virgin Mary is with me, the horrible treatment , don't talk to in Italian do you understand what you are doing? Fuck uou ashole devil worshipper
  • 1721EST-MS-OROZCO:
    Fuck off unless you apologize I don't want anything to do with you. Cold hearted black heart with beady eyes of malice How you mistreat me. Kelly is not on your side you have been bullying her too. 
    God has understood that we are endorsing the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony through thick and thin, in sickness and in health.
    I reasonably expect and request you attendance and cohabitation at our M4-885 Broadview Ave location as arranged by Ms Kimberly Curry for her Seeds of Hope charity.

    Dear Ms OROZCO,
    I hope that you're staying dry and safe. I'm requesting that you please return to our Broadview Ave location peacefully and reasonably.
    And stop if you please, blaming me for doing EXACTLY what we agreed upon if you failed to punish the child rapists who injured you. I'm fully in my re reasonableneee to publish these materials as it is in the interest of my son's and his sister's safety, in addition to my choreographed husband's responsibility.

    I love you first and foremost, and you need to understand however your father apologize to you, there's no way he's not being punished for his raping of a child.
    I'm a father, and for you to imply that the future of our children is unworthy of conscientious appreciation of Mr OROZCO is palpably equivalent to judging your husband as less worthy of your help than your father.
    That goes way over the line. How dare you judge me to be less worthy of your thoughtful consideration than your father.
    Father to Father, you understand the immensity of your supposition.

    I love you, and don't need you in harm's way.. please return to our Broadview Location closet.




    Your forgiveness of your father for his raping and/or sexually abusing you on one or more occasions does not protect him from the consequences, for you are not God, our Father who art in Heaven.

    We have a duty as Catholic ADULTS which is why I differentiate between 1987 and 2024. Are you seriously willing to spend time in purgatory for the lunacy of protecting pedophiles from the consequences of raping OUR CHILDREN?

    Isaac & Kelly

    Essentially,in '87 you were not of legal age, so it was your mother's duty and responsibility to make criminal occurrence complaint regarding Fausto's alleged non-consensual sexual enjoyment of your person.

    However, when you became of legal age it became your responsibility.

    Moreover, it became my duty when we were married in the Catholic Church in 2011.

    Choices, right? You ALWAYS chose to PROTECT your father and mother, you NEVER respected the SUPREMACY of our duty to each other as recognized before God Our Father Who Art In Heaven.

    You always preferred and protected FAUSTO as Your Father Who Art Not Yet in Judgement by God.

    I love you, and I love my Son and his Sister strongly. This I respect Kelly Anne Farkas as their Adoptive Mother.

    Capisce? Goodnight.



    Essentially,in '87 you were not of legal age, so it was your mother's duty and responsibility to make criminal occurrence complaint regarding Fausto's alleged non-consensual sexual enjoyment of your person.

    However, when you became of legal age it became your responsibility.

    Moreover, it became my duty when we were married in the Catholic Church in 2011.

    Choices, right? You ALWAYS chose to PROTECT your father and mother, you NEVER respected the SUPREMACY of our duty to each other as recognized before God Our Father Who Art In Heaven.

    You always preferred and protected FAUSTO as Your Father Who Art Not Yet in Judgement by God.

    I love you, and I love my Son and his Sister strongly. This I respect Kelly Anne Farkas as their Adoptive Mother.

    Capisce? Goodnight.



    Where are you staying? I'm gonna be negotiating with Farkas about getting a place with her and the kids, cuz I can provide to her children like as if they were actually my son and his sister.

    I hope things are reasonable for you and you actually realize why it was a BIG deal about your inability not to get over your PTSD from your father.

    I hope you finally realize WTH happened to you.

    Goodnight, there will be no hard feelings, I've just gotta be nice to Anne's children.

    I did try to love you, but I cannot accept a 4/5 return on investment which is what you've done as you'd only ACTUALLY be here 80% of the time since mum died July 5th of 2021. That is unacceptable.

    I'll stay here for a month or so, then meet with Kelly. Don't worry, I won't sleep with her until I'm over you AND the Annulment is pushed through appropriately.

    Which can be VERY FAST cuz I've been working with these systems longer than you innocently are thinking.



    You're with me and my children (which includes their adoptive and manipulative mother Anne) or you're against OUR future and OUR children's future

    Please just Grow The Fark Up or Get The Fark Out of my lane.

    I love you..


    GTFU or GTFO as per:

    I explicitly referenced and referred to the Papal Canon Law in respect to our DUTY before Our Father Who Art In Heaven as opposed to Your Father Who Art Not Yet Deceased.

    I EXPLICITLY mandated that her grave be marked as a HILDA ESPERANZA BARRIONUEVO and didn't make a scene that YOUR BELIEFS were that she was and will perpetually be regarded as HILDA ESPERANZA OROZCO.

    Because you appear to FORGIVE and PROTECT your abusive pedophile father who is NOTHING to you but the root of your being and copulation processes.

    You're prolly blocking these comms so I'll have to post them publicly for your awareness.

    Ashley is in need of a place to sleep but I told her that I was busy with important ashes of my relationships with Kelly and Mary.

