I think Kelly is a bit overconfident as a con-artist because she actually EXPECTED to be treated as a Summary Conviction Offender, ,but I used the Indictable Criminal Occurrence of Theft or Fraud Over $5,000 to let her know if I roast her, she's DEFINITELY gonna be my bitch.
My wife's a pedophile victim turned pedophile protector who had the GALL to say that because my son's mother 'Kat' had men pay her for sex, somehow that makes my 51 year old wife more important than my 15 year old son?
So I care about Kelly AS IF she had actually adopted my Son from the Halton CAS. So I drifted Kelly's little grift into my Security Protocol.
- Look up the penalty for FRAUD over $5,000 and compare to THEFT over $5,000. As I said Kelly's a bitch at times, but now she's MY bitch, right guys?
Remember you guys with Law Enforcement.. remember that you PROVIDED ME with authorization to deal with her in the way I desire.
She's not as HOT as my hot lil HO'ROZCO LATINA, but at least I am respected by FARKAS because... I missed her, and we can function WITYH each other as EQUALS and she won't run away 25% of the time because I'm not as sexually satisfying as her Fr Fausto impaled her to become.
