Notice of Consequences — Part 2 of 3

Your father Mr Fausto Enrique Orozco (DOB January 16, 1939) is a pedophile and the rapist of a vulnerable young girl in his care at somer point in 1987. As per the new rules under the Code of Canon Law which come into effect on December 8th, 2021 it is our duty as faithful Catholics to recognize and punish your Father for his sexual abuse of yourself in '87 when we was 48 and you were a young teenager 14 years of age.

  • 'The new rules make sexual abuse, grooming minors for sex, possessing child pornography and covering up abuse a criminal offence under Vatican law.'

Ergo.. this is our duty. If you were really an HONOURABLE Roman Catholic you would understand how that means AT THE VERY LEAST your father's CSA must be registered and recorded in the National Sex Offender Registry Database and his sinfulness made knowledgeable to the world so people are less inclined to fuck with our children.

Love and Respect,         
Isaac & Kelly


There are not enough dead monsters, so you don't mind if I let it burn properly righteous in order to protect our children alright Mr Orozco?

To be continued...

(Your consent is not required, so shut up and take it like you're a grown-up predator attacking my children.)
