I'm comin' for you as a REASONABLE & ACCOMMODATING business partner... and father of the son you've adopted from Halton CAS

Reminder to everyone...

I have detailed records of OUR business organization (Not For Profit Organization) paying various individuals invalid funds... The really amusing little slug I'm coming after is STEPHANIE LAMBERSKY...she's so ignorant that it's funny to watch her get conned by Anne, my partner in crime.
It's very simple, as you're either with me or against me.. if you're against me, we'll do the ATO setup for Fraud Over 5K vs Theft Over 5K. You're fucked either way, like a deer in my headlights. Or something like out of the frying pan, and into the raging fire.

Kelly and her daughter are immune to my actions, just as my son and his father are immune to Anne's actions. Why, not because my son's adoptive mother is Kelly-Anne-Wolfe, but because my son's biological mother is Kathleen-Anne-Williams. KAW-1 was a vigorous manipulator, so she trained me for how to effectively come for Kelly so well that she'll be out of play for as couple years. Because I'm that good at the operations we both run.

I'm going to be going through the list and dealing with the people who STOLE my money by alleging that they're partners in crime with my ex. This is complete with financial transaction records.


If anyone is a partner in crime with Anne, it's me. Guess what?


I'm coming after all of you not by CIVIL litigation, but by CRIMINAL prosecution. Make sure to say THANK-YOU-BITCH to my ex-partner-in-crime.

Oh, by the way Kelly-Anne.. I know that I officiously gave you term until your birthday, but it looks like you've tightened your process up too much, so I'm unfortunately gonna come for you prior to the expectation. Or you're just really challenged digit-span.

I think the fact that you've financially given me evidence, I've technically had what's called a Fraud over $5,000, but you've chosen the more vicious Theft over $5,000. Please tell Grace and Travis that I am his Father, and I love them both with or without my wife's baggage. YOU ARE MY CODE. And that we'll be there for them when you go on vacation.

